We thank our Lord for the institution and gift of the priesthood. Let us celebrate this gift and pray for our priests and for our seminarians who are in formation. For more information on how you can celebrate our priests:
Prayers of the Faithful Intentions for Priesthood Sunday: Please feel free to include the following intention in the prayers of the faithful (English/Spanish):
• For all our priests on this Priesthood Sunday that their ministry may be fruitful and receive the support from the people they serve, we pray to the Lord... • Por nuestros sacerdotes en este Domingo del Sacerdocio para que su ministerio sea productivo and reciban el apoyo de la gente a quienes sirven, roguemos al Señor...
Please continue praying for all priests, as they are in need of your prayers and support. Pray as well so that more young men may be open to listen to the voice of Christ who calls them.