The Annual Jumpers and Cords fundraiser is coming up at our parish school on April 22nd. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Our school needs your generous support to continue to offer Catholic education to our parishioners and community. Contact the school office to purchase tickets, make a donation, or find out more.
Join us for at sacred Heart Parish in Anderson for Lenten Youth Night. Youth mass at 4:00 PM followed by Youth Night from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. This event will feature a special guest speaker and musical performer, Joe Melendrez. Joe will share "Overcome", a presentation for teens about how to overcome fear, worry, doubt, and anxiety one step at a time. This is a free event for High School youth.
Seniors are invited to attend the Senior Social Club (formerly 50 Plus Club) for our monthly potluck lunch meeting on Tuesday, March 14th at 11:30 AM. We gather at St. Joseph's in the downstairs meeting room. Please bring a dish to share. Club dues are very reasonable at $10 per person per year. For more information see your bulletin or contact the church office.